Ep. 52: Pinkie Pie, Sunny Daze, and Wysteria Create A Scene At The Gay Bar

November 8, 2011
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All is going fine with this show until Gregg decides he is going to read a children’s book on the show. Casually talking about being on the Ann Walker Show, Dina is interrupted by Pinkie Pie and her gal pals from a My Little Pony book. Dina takes back control of the show by discussing the latest Kardashian fiasco. Somehow they begin talking about the Earthquake in Oklahoma, or was it a hurricane Gregg? All this was ended with a quick summary of Dina’s latest project, 98 Dates, and Gregg sharing the latest from Project Kinect, and the both of them giving their farewell to their family at Hot Talk LA. Sometimes a little bird has to leave the nest….. and crash and burn.

Announcements, Cycle 2 (Hot Talk LA)