As always, I’d like to thank everyone who came out to the second run of “Confession of A Wannabe Soccer Mom” last week in Madison. I’d most like to thank The Daily Cardinal for this little piece and for sayingsuch things as…

Martinez, without a doubt, owned that stage Friday night. “Confessions of A Wannabe Soccer Mom” is raw humor and storytelling. It’s a show for anyone searching for a truth in themselves they don’t have to turn on and off to protect themselves or those around them. Martinez’s energy is not exclusive, but rather inviting for any adult audience.

and other things like

Dina has reached a comfortable place in her womanhood, apparent in her attire of ripped blue jeans, grey Ugg boots and a striped blouse under a simple grey cardigan. When describing her pivotal signs of assured womanhood, she said, “It didn’t feel like a responsibility. It didn’t feel heavy. It felt like an honor.” But the true honor was the opportunity to witness Martinez’s magnificent story…

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